Thursday, April 16, 2015

Taking it to Taiwan


The International Conference for Austronesian Linguistics (ICAL) is held every 4 years in different places all over the world. It is hosted by the Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. ICAL provides forums for collaborative research and also publishes & archives research papers.

When Siuálâ ding Meángûbié (Voice of the Dead) suggested that we submit a paper and present at this year's ICAL in Taiwan, I was hesitant. I know that Mike Pangilinan (Siuala) has financial limitations and so do I. But this is another opportunity, like the one we had in Tokyo last year; to continue to showcase our work and be heard & reviewed by the  academic community in an international stage. So, after some rumination, I decided that we shouldn't pass this up. We have to find a way to attend ICAL.

So, for the advancement and preservation of Philippine writing systems and our cultural heritage. We decided to do a fundraising campaign to finance our trip to ICAL. Please visit our crowd-source fundraiser at: for more information.


For our donors, I am currently pulling out and working on a few of my unfinished, unnamed, work-in-progress typefaces/fonts (Baybayin, Kulitan, Mangyan, etc.). And at the end of this fund raising campaign, we will select several of our top donor's names and I will name these new typefaces/fonts in their honor. This is the highest act of gratitude that I can offer. Your name, preserved in perpetuity, typed by native script writers (poets, artists, designers, authors, scholars), as long as we strive to keep our heritage alive.

Do you want the next new font named after you?

Mike and I are also sending digital copies of our donor's names in calligraphic kulitan and/or baybayin as thank you notes.

Folks can donate through PayPal and we will add the amount to the gofundme total. You can use the DONATE BUTTON on the side-bar menu on this page. If you use the main PayPal site, my account is under my email.

For other offline modes of sending money, please contact me through email or via my facebook account and I will send you our mailing address and other necessary information. Mike can receive Peso donations from within the Philippines through local Western Union or MoneyGram type services. I can also accept checks & money order through the mail. Offline donations will also be added to our gofundme tally.

We do these as part of our long-term goals to help protect and preserve our cultural heritage. I do hope that you would grace us with your generosity.


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